
Category: JNCIS-ENT

  • JN0-664 Juniper Service Provider Routing & Switching Certification Exam

    Exam Code : JN0-664Prerequisite Certification : JNCIS-SPExam Length : 90 minutesExam Type : 65 multiple-choice questionsSoftware Versions : Junos OS 22.3Recertification :Juniper certifications are valid for three years. For more information, please see Recertification. The Service Provider Routing and Switching track enables you to demonstrate a thorough understanding of networking technology in general and Juniper […]?

  • JN0-343 Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist (JNCIS-ENT)

    JNCIS-ENT Exam Objectives (Exam: JN0-343 and JN0-346) Layer 2 Switching and VLANs Identify the concepts, operation, and functionality of Layer 2 switching for the Junos OS Enterprise switching platforms Bridging components Frame processing Identify the concepts, benefits, and functionality of VLANs Ports Tagging Native VLANs and voice VLANs Inter-VLAN routing Demonstrate knowledge of how to […]?
