
Category: IBM

  • C9560-652 IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Fundamentals

    Number of questions: 50 Number of questions to pass: 33 Time allowed: 90 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 4 sections described below. Section 1: SmartCloud Control Desk Concepts Given a customer’s need to understand service management, explain the service management concepts so that the customer understands how service management can work within SmartCloud […]?

  • C9560-576 Fundamentals of Applying Tivoli Network and Service Assurance Solutions V1

    Number of questions: 64 Number of questions to pass: 45 Time allowed: 90 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 4 sections described below. Section 1: Current Architecture and Environment Given primary and secondary customer points of contact and internal points of contact, create contact list document so that a list of contacts is available. […]?

  • C9560-523 IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V4.1.1 Implementation

    Number of questions: 66 Number of questions to pass: 40 Time allowed: 90 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 5 sections described below. Section 1: Planning Given access to the customer technical staff and network information, determine the Network Manager requirements so that configuration can be carried out. Given the identified IBM Tivoli Network […]?

  • C9560-517 IBM Workload Automation V9.2 Implementation

    Number of questions: 70 Number of questions to pass: 43 Time allowed: 90 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 7 sections described below. Section 1: Planning and Installation Given a selection of servers with workload that requires managing, identify which roles each server will perform (master domain manager, agent, etc.), the components that need […]?

  • C9560-510 IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Administration

    Number of questions: 70 Number of questions to pass: 54 Time allowed: 105 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 3 sections described below. Section 1: Configuration Given installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V6.3 software, use root/administrator login ID to configure Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) with correct information so that TEMS is configured. Given […]?

  • C9560-505 IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5.1 IT Asset Management Implementation

    Number of questions: 69 Number of questions to pass: 47 Time allowed: 90 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 13 sections described below. Section 1: IT Assets Given that IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, and deployed asset information has been imported ,explain IT […]?

  • C9560-501 IBM Application Performance Management v8.1.3 Solution Deployment

    Number of questions: 64 Number of questions to pass: 47 Time allowed: 90 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 5 sections described below. Section 1: Planning 17% Understand system prerequisites. Understand customer requirements. Understand network requirements. Understand security requirements. Section 2: Installation 8% Install Server. Installing Agent. Section 3: Configuration 11% Configuring Monitoring Agents. […]?

  • C9560-023 IBM Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure Support Provider Tools and Processes

    Number of questions: 28 Number of questions to pass: 22 Time allowed: 60 mins Status: Live This exam consists of 7 sections described below. Section 1: Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure Worldwide Customer Support Overview Support Provider’s Level 1 and Level 2 roles and responsibilities. Options available to our customers to obtain IBM customer support. Section […]?
