ServiceNow CIS-SAM Certified Implementation Specialist – Software Asset Management Exam Details Syllabus
Authentic information about the syllabus and an effective study guide is essential to go through the ServiceNow CIS-SAM exam in the first attempt. The study guide of Study4Exam provides you with comprehensive information about the syllabus of the ServiceNow CIS-SAM exam. You should get this information at the start of your preparation because it helps you make an effective study plan. We have designed this ServiceNow Software Asset Management certification exam preparation guide to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics that help to go through the ServiceNow ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist –Software Asset Management Professional (2021) exam. We recommend you to the preparation material mentioned in this study guide to cover the entire ServiceNow CIS-SAM syllabus. Study4Exam offers 3 formats of ServiceNow CIS-SAM exam preparation material. Each format provides new practice questions in PDF format, web-based and desktop practice exams to get passing marks in the first attempt.
ServiceNow CIS-SAM Exam Overview :
Exam Name ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist –Software Asset Management Professional
Exam Code CIS-SAM
Official Information
See Expected Questions ServiceNow CIS-SAM Expected Questions in Actual Exam
Take Self-Assessment Use ServiceNow CIS-SAM Practice Test to Assess your preparation – Save Time and Reduce Chances of Failure
ServiceNow CIS-SAM Exam Topics :
Section Weight Objectives
Software Asset Core Overview & Fundamentals 14%
Software Asset Management Basics
Process Architecture
Application Introduction and Recommended Practices
Data Integrity – Attributes and Sources for the Data 28%
Importing Data
Software Discovery and Normalization
Content Service
Practical Management of Software Compliance 30%
Products and Models
License Metrics, Entitlements, and Allocations
Software Reconciliation
Operational Integration of Software Processes 13%
Contract and Change Management
Service Catalog and Procurement
Software Remediation
Extending SAM 15%
Software Model Lifecycle and Retirement
Software Installation Optimization
Reporting, Implementation, and Maintenance
Updates in the ServiceNow CIS-SAM Exam Syllabus:
ServiceNow CIS-SAM exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam’s trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual Software Asset Management CIS-SAM exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these ServiceNow CIS-SAM questions that provide updated information about the entire exam syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the ServiceNow CIS-SAM practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist –Software Asset Management Professional CIS-SAM exam practice test. Online and windows-based formats of the CIS-SAM exam practice test are available for self-assessment.
CIS – Software Asset Management (SAM) Exam by ServiceNow defines the purpose, audience, testing options, exam content coverage, test framework, and prerequisites to become a ServiceNow SAM Implementation Specialist. CIS – Software Asset Management Professional exam has now become the need to get a good job in the corporate IT sector. Every organization now demands a certified professional for managing their software and to increase their efficiency. The importance of certifications has grown so much as the era of perfection and professionalism has emerged.
What is CIS– Software Asset Management Professional Exam?
The ServiceNow CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential knowledge to contribute to the configuration, implementation, and maintenance of the ServiceNow SAM Professional application. The exam is available to ServiceNow customers, partners, sales engineers, employees, and others interested in becoming a ServiceNow SAM Certified Implementation Specialist. The CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam will have the following major testing basis:
1. Software Asset Core Overview & Fundamentals – 14%
2. Data Integrity – Attributes and Sources for the Data – 28%
3. Practical Management of Software Compliance – 30%
4. Operational Integration of Software Processes – 13%
5. Extending SAM – 15%
Now, let us look into the exam overview as it is very important for you to have all the details in place before the actual preparation.
Exam overview
You must know the total exam duration, total questions, types of questions asked in the exam and other details. Because only then your preparation will be complete.
Types of Questions
The CIS Software Asset Management Exam Questions are in the following formats:
Multiple Choice (single answer) – For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The candidate taking the exam reviews the response options and selects the one response that most accurately answers the question.
Multiple Select (select all that apply)- For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. The candidate taking the exam reviews the response options and selects ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses.
You can register for the exam on Webassessor. And the results will be displayed immediately after finishing the exam. You can retake the exam by paying $150 every time. Here is a table for your ease:
Name of the exam CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam
No. of questions asked 60
Type of questions MCQ and Multiple select
Time allotted 90 minutes
Cost of taking the exam $300
Languages available English
Now, let us look at prerequisites for the exam which is the trainings that will help in generating the voucher code.
Exam Prerequisites
ServiceNow requires the completion of the following prerequisite CIS Software Asset Management Training courses in preparation for the exam. Information provided in the following courses contain source material for the CIS- Software Asset
Management exam.
Software Asset Management Professional Fundamentals – Upon completion, the candidate will be issued a voucher code to register for the Certified Implementation Specialist – Software Asset Management Professional exam.
Software Asset Management (SAM) Getting Started
Entitlement Import Basics for Software Asset Management (SAM)
Discovery Basics for Software Asset Management (SAM)
Software Asset Management (SAM) Reconciliation Troubleshooting
SAM: Integration with SCCM for Reclamation and Distribution
Recommended Knowledge and Education
ServiceNow recommends completing the following training courses and certifications in preparation for the CIS- Software Asset Management exam:
Firstly, ServiceNow Fundamentals
Secondly, ServiceNow Implementation Methodology (SIM) Fundamentals (On-demand)
Subsequently, ServiceNow Platform Implementation
Furthermore, ServiceNow Platform Subscription Model (On-demand)
In addition, Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals
Also, System Administration Advanced (Recommended)
Subsequently, Discovery Fundamentals
Also, Microsoft SCCM
Furthermore, ServiceNow Client Software Distribution
Also, Costs
In addition, Contracts
Furthermore, Procurement
In addition, Service Catalogs
Subsequently, Assets & Configuration Items (CIs)
Lastly, SAM Certification Test Prep
Additional Recommended Experience
firstly, Six (6) months field experience participating in ServiceNow deployment projects or maintaining ServiceNow instances
subsequently, Participation in at least two ServiceNow deployment projects
in addition, General familiarity with industry terminology, acronyms, and initialisms
Syllabus details
To get started with the preparation of CIS– Software Asset Management exam, you need to be aware of the details of the syllabus and major testing domains. All the CIS Software Asset Management Questions arise form this course outline hence it is one of the most important part of your preparations. So let us get started,
CIS– Software Asset Management
Firstly, Software Asset Core Overview & Fundamentals – 14%
Software Asset Management Basics
Process Architecture
Application Introduction and Recommended Practices
Secondly, Data Integrity – Attributes and Sources for the Data – 28%
Importing Data
Software Discovery and Normalization
Content Service
Subsequently, Practical Management of Software Compliance – 30%
Products and Models
License Metrics, Entitlements, and Allocations
Software Reconciliation
Also, Operational Integration of Software Processes – 13%
Contract and Change Management
Service Catalog and Procurement
Software Remediation
Lastly, Extending SAM – 15%
Software Model Lifecycle and Retirement
Software Installation Optimization
Reporting, Implementation, and Maintenance
Now, let us move towards the preparatory resources for the CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam. These some of the top suggested learning resources that will boost your chances to qualify CIS – Software Management Exam.
Preparatory Guide for CIS – Software Asset Management Exam
ServiceNow says that only preparation from reliable resources available should be preferred more as the other sources can be fraudulent too. In order to succeed in the exam, you must make sure that the resources are correct in terms of content and fulfils the criteria of the syllabus prescribed. There are so many resources you can use for CIS Software Asset Management Exam Preparation. Let us just stuck to the rule of reliability and look at some handful of reliable resources with our
CIS Software Asset Management Study Guide
CIS – Software Asset Management Official Site
The official site provide knowledge on various technicalities of the exam. Also, the official site of the CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam provide different courses that are necessary for generating the exam voucher code which is necessary for registration. Always remember to gather all the information from the official site as it is the first and foremost reliable source of collecting even the minute detail about the CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam.
Join ServiceNow community
This community is actually the online forum which consists of ServiceNow professionals and others who have passed the certification examinations. You an ask your doubts without any hesitation from the community members, also, this resource is very much reliable one as it is officially regulated by ServiceNow. Also, You can discuss your strategy for studying or what resources you should prefer or any other difficulty you face in CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam preparation. You will find every answer in the community and this will really help you to ace the CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam.
Test Series and Practice Exams
Test series and sample-papers helps you to build confidence. You do not feel strange when you attempt the exam. By taking as much as possible practice of the sample papers you will be aware of your loopholes. You will finally know how much time to devote on which topic. Practicing as much as you can will help you reach the next level and will also help to answer the tricky questions of the CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam. There are many reliable sources of test series and some are even available at the official site too. Start Practicing for Servicenow CIS Software Asset Management Practice Tests Now
Build your own strategy
For taking this CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam, you need to build your own strategy for work-study balance. Fix a part of the day in which you will be studying for the exam and also keeping your distractions away. Categorize your syllabus into parts like that can be done verbally and the other that requires writing or hands-on practice. This will help you to learn things properly and will help you clear your concepts. Following your timetable quickly will surely help you pass the exam with flying colours.
Expert’s Corner
CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam is quite a challenging exam and require a lot of patience, hard work and dedication. All these qualities along with the right set of resources will help to ace the exam. You will surely pass the CIS– Software Asset Management Professional exam and prove the skills to everyone. This will help you to stand out in the crowd and also, provide you an edge over other people.
ServiceNow CIS-SAM Certified Implementation Specialist – Software Asset Management Exam Details Syllabus
Which of the following data elements are key to an effective Software Asset Management practice within ServiceNow? (Choose four.)
A. Software allocations
B. Software models
C. Foundation data
D. Software contracts
E. Software entitlements
Correct Answer: ABCE
Within Software Asset Management there are many key terms to understand, what is the best definition for Normalization?
A. One or more use rights assigned to a specific device or user
B. Classification of the acquired software
C. The process of standardizing discovered software installation to defined norms
D. The process of producing a compliance position by comparing the number of software rights acquired against the normalized software inventory
E. Software license details that define use rights
Correct Answer: C
Which discovery sources are recommended by ServiceNow to populate ServiceNow software installation table? (Choose two.)
A. ServiceNow Service Mapping
C. Microsoft SCCM
D. ServiceNow Discovery
E. ServiceNow Orchestration
Correct Answer: AD
How are the Software Asset Management Professional Plugins activated?
A. They are requested from and activated by an admin user
B. They are activated by the sam_developer user
C. They are activated by the sam_admin user
D. They are requested from and activated by ServiceNow support
E. They are activated by default in the base ServiceNow system
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following are NOT features of the Publisher workbench navigation tree? (Choose two.)
A. Expand and collapse tree links
B. List of all publishers
C. Software model compliance icons
D. Filter products
E. Compliance toggle switch
F. List of all publishers out of compliance
Correct Answer: BF
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