NBRC RPFT Registry Examination for Advanced Pulmonary Function Technologists Exam
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The PFT Examination contains 115 multiple-choice items (100 scored and 15 pretest). You will be given two hours to complete the PFT Examination.
For specific exam content, refer to the Detailed Content Outline.
Admission Requirements
To qualify for the PFT Examination, you must be 18 years of age or older and meet one of the following requirements:
Have a minimum of an associate degree from a respiratory care education program that is supported or accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC); or
Be a Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) or Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) credentialed by the NBRC; or
Complete 62 semester hours of college credit from a college or university accredited by its regional association or its equivalent, including college credit level courses in biology, chemistry and mathematics. You must also have at least six months of clinical experience* in the field of pulmonary function technology prior to applying for the PFT Examination; or
Be a Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist (CPFT).
* Clinical experience is defined as a minimum of eight hours per week for a calendar year in pulmonary function technology under the supervision of a Medical Director of a pulmonary function laboratory or a special care area acceptable to the NBRC. Clinical experience must be completed before you apply for this examination.
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Detailed Content Outline for the PFT Examination
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I. INSTRUMENTATION / EQUIPMENT 7 15 8 30 A. Set Up, Maintain, Calibrate 3 5 2 10
1. Blood gas analyzers
2. CO-oximeters / hemoximeters
3. Spirometers (for example, diagnostic, screening, portable)
4. Peak flow meters
5. Aerosol delivery devices (for example, bronchodilator / bronchial challenge, dosimeters)
6. Metered dose or dry powder inhalers
7. Valves (for example, directional, demand)
8. Gas analyzers
a. DLCO (for example, gas chromatograph, infrared)
b. gas dilution techniques (for example, nitrogen, helium, oxygen)
c. exercise (for example, CO2, O2)
9. Body plethysmographs
10. Exercise equipment (for example, treadmill, cycle or arm ergometer)
11. ECG monitors (for example, 3-lead, 12-lead)
12. Metabolic measurement systems for exercise testing
13. Gas delivery systems (for example, blenders, flowmeters)
14. Pressure measuring devices (for example, manometers, transducers, strain gauges)
15. Gas and water absorbers (for example, Drierite®, Permapure® tubing)
16. Emergency management equipment (for example, defibrillator, crash cart)
17. Flexible bronchoscopes and associated equipment
18. Arterial / venous blood collection equipment
19. Information systems equipment (for example, computers, data backup, networks, printers, security)
20. Quality control devices (for example, calibration syringes, manometers, isothermal lung analog)
21. Gas exchange validation device or DLCO simulator
22. Infection control materials / methods (for example, sterilization devices, gowns, gloves, masks, filters)
23. Monitors
a. pulse oximeters
b. blood pressure (for example, manual cuff, automated)
1. Blood gas analyzers
2. CO-oximeters / hemoximeters
3. Spirometers (for example, diagnostic, screening, portable)
4. Peak flow meters
5. Aerosol delivery devices (for example, bronchodilator / bronchial challenge, dosimeters)
6. Metered dose or dry powder inhalers
7. Valves (for example, directional, demand)
8. Gas analyzers
a. DLCO (for example, gas chromatograph, infrared)
b. gas dilution techniques (for example, nitrogen, helium, oxygen)
c. exercise (for example, CO2, O2)
9. Body plethysmographs
10. Exercise equipment (for example, treadmill, cycle or arm ergometer)
11. ECG monitors (for example, 3-lead, 12-lead)
12. Metabolic measurement systems for exercise testing
13. Gas delivery systems (for example, blenders, flowmeters)
14. Pressure measuring devices (for example, manometers, transducers, strain gauges)
15. Gas and water absorbers (for example, Drierite®, Permapure® tubing)
16. Emergency management equipment (for example, defibrillator, crash cart)
17. Flexible bronchoscopes and associated equipment
18. Arterial / venous blood collection equipment
19. Information systems equipment (for example, computers, data backup, networks, printers, security)
20. Quality control devices (for example, calibration syringes, manometers, isothermal lung analog)
21. Gas exchange validation device or DLCO simulator
22. Infection control materials / methods (for example, sterilization devices, gowns, gloves, masks, filters)
23. Monitors
a. pulse oximeters
b. blood pressure (for example, manual cuff, automated)
1. Blood gas analyzers
2. CO-oximeters / hemoximeters
3. Spirometers (for example, diagnostic, screening, portable)
4. Peak flow meters
5. Aerosol delivery devices (for example, bronchodilator / bronchial challenge, dosimeters)
6. Metered dose or dry powder inhalers
7. Valves (for example, directional, demand)
8. Gas analyzers
a. DLCO (for example, gas chromatograph, infrared)
b. gas dilution techniques (for example, nitrogen, helium, oxygen)
c. exercise (for example, CO2, O2)
9. Body plethysmographs
10. Exercise equipment (for example, treadmill, cycle or arm ergometer)
11. ECG monitors (for example, 3-lead, 12-lead)
12. Metabolic measurement systems for exercise testing
II. Procedures 8 19 18 45 A. Select Test Protocols and Equipment 3 7 5 15
1. Spirometry (for example, VC, FVC, FEV1, MVV, flow-volume loop)
2. Bronchodilator delivery (for example, MDI, DPI, small volume nebulizers)
3. End tidal CO2
4. Blood sample collection (for example, arterial, capillary)
5. Sputum sample collection
6. Blood gas analysis (for example, pH, PO2, PCO2)
7. CO-oximetry / hemoximetry
8. Static lung volumes
a. gas dilution methods
b. body plethysmography
10. Smoking cessation counseling
11. Patient education (for example, medication delivery, travel, asthma)
12. Oxygen titration at rest and / or exercise
13. Exercise (stress) testing
a. timed walking test (for example, 6MWT, shuttle walk)
b. monitored (for example, ECG, blood pressure, SpO2)
c. cardiopulmonary exercise test (for example, VO2max anaerobic threshold, VO2, VCO2, VD / VT)
d. inspiratory capacity and flow-volume loops during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
14. 12-lead ECG at rest
15. Pulse oximetry
16. Airway responsiveness
a. bronchodilation studies
b. bronchial provocation studies (for example, methacholine, exercise, EVH, mannitol)
17. Airways resistance / conductance measurements by plethysmography
18. Respiratory muscle strength (for example, MIP, MEP)
19. Flexible bronchoscopy assistance (for example, patient monitoring, specimen preparation, topical anesthesia)
20. Patient safety (for example, standard precautions, adverse events / incidents, cross contamination)
B. Perform the Procedure 3 6 6 15
1. Spirometry (for example, VC, FVC, FEV1, MVV, flow-volume loop)
2. Bronchodilator delivery (for example, MDI, DPI, small volume nebulizers)
3. End tidal CO2
4. Blood sample collection (for example, arterial, capillary)
5. Sputum sample collection
6. Blood gas analysis (for example, pH, PO2, PCO2)
7. CO-oximetry / hemoximetry
8. Static lung volumes
a. gas dilution methods
b. body plethysmography
10. Smoking cessation counseling
11. Patient education (for example, medication delivery, travel, asthma)
12. Oxygen titration at rest and / or exercise
13. Exercise (stress) testing
a. timed walking test (for example, 6MWT, shuttle walk)
b. monitored (for example, ECG, blood pressure, SpO2)
c. cardiopulmonary exercise test (for example, VO2max anaerobic threshold, VO2, VCO2, VD / VT)
d. inspiratory capacity and flow-volume loops during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
14. 12-lead ECG at rest
15. Pulse oximetry
16. Airway responsiveness
a. bronchodilation studies
b. bronchial provocation studies (for example, methacholine, exercise, EVH, mannitol)
17. Airways resistance / conductance measurements by plethysmography
18. Respiratory muscle strength (for example, MIP, MEP)
19. Flexible bronchoscopy assistance (for example, patient monitoring, specimen preparation, topical anesthesia)
20. Patient safety (for example, standard precautions, adverse events / incidents, cross contamination)
C. Evaluate Validity of Result 2 6 7 15
1. Spirometry (for example, VC, FVC, FEV1, MVV, flow-volume loop)
2. Bronchodilator delivery (for example, MDI, DPI, small volume nebulizers)
3. End tidal CO2
4. Blood sample collection (for example, arterial, capillary)
5. Sputum sample collection
6. Blood gas analysis (for example, pH, PO2, PCO2)
7. CO-oximetry / hemoximetry
8. Static lung volumes
a. gas dilution methods
b. body plethysmography
10. Smoking cessation counseling
11. Patient education (for example, medication delivery, travel, asthma)
12. Oxygen titration at rest and / or exercise
13. Exercise (stress) testing
a. timed walking test (for example, 6MWT, shuttle walk)
b. monitored (for example, ECG, blood pressure, SpO2)
c. cardiopulmonary exercise test (for example, VO2max anaerobic threshold, VO2, VCO2, VD / VT)
d. inspiratory capacity and flow-volume loops during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
14. 12-lead ECG at rest
15. Pulse oximetry
16. Airway responsiveness
a. bronchodilation studies
b. bronchial provocation studies (for example, methacholine, exercise, EVH, mannitol)
17. Airways resistance / conductance measurements by plethysmography
18. Respiratory muscle strength (for example, MIP, MEP)
19. Flexible bronchoscopy assistance (for example, patient monitoring, specimen preparation, topical anesthesia)
20. Patient safety (for example, standard precautions, adverse events / incidents, cross contamination)
III. Data Management 1 10 14 25 A. Calculate Results, Select Reference Ranges and Data 1 4 3 8
1. Blood gas results (for example, pH, PO2, PCO2)
2. CO-oximetry / hemoximetry results (Hb, O2Hb, COHb, MetHb)
3. Spirometry data (for example, VC, FVC, FEV1, MVV, flow-volume loops)
4. Static lung volumes
a. gas dilution
b. body plethysmography
6. Home pulmonary function data (for example, spirometry, peak flow)
7. Oxygen titration at rest and / or exercise
8. Exercise (stress) test
a. timed walking test (for example, 6 MWT, shuttle walk)
b. monitored (for example, ECG, blood pressure, SpO2)
c. cardiopulmonary exercise test (for example, VO2max anaerobic threshold, VO2, VCO2, VD / VT)
d. inspiratory capacity and flow-volume loops during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
9. Blood pressure monitoring
10. ECG analysis (for example, arrhythmia, rate, pattern)
11. Pulse oximetry
12. Airway responsiveness
a. bronchodilation studies
b. bronchial provocation studies (for example, methacholine, exercise, EVH, mannitol)
13. Airways resistance / conductance measurements by plethysmography
14. Respiratory muscle strength (for example, MIP, MEP)
15. Safety data (for example, hand hygiene compliance, event management)
16. Quality control procedures (for example, mechanical or biologic)
17. Serial pulmonary function testing (for example, trending a single patient)
18. Clinical history and demographics (for example, age, race, sex, smoking history, medication, clinical indication)
19. Laboratory quality management (for example, customer satisfaction, inventory control, standard operating procedures, department records)
B. Evaluate Reliability of Results 0 3 6 9
1. Blood gas results (for example, pH, PO2, PCO2)
2. CO-oximetry / hemoximetry results (Hb, O2Hb, COHb, MetHb)
3. Spirometry data (for example, VC, FVC, FEV1, MVV, flow-volume loops)
4. Static lung volumes
a. gas dilution
b. body plethysmography
6. Home pulmonary function data (for example, spirometry, peak flow)
7. Oxygen titration at rest and / or exercise
8. Exercise (stress) test
a. timed walking test (for example, 6 MWT, shuttle walk)
b. monitored (for example, ECG, blood pressure, SpO2)
c. cardiopulmonary exercise test (for example, VO2max anaerobic threshold, VO2, VCO2, VD / VT)
d. inspiratory capacity and flow-volume loops during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
9. Blood pressure monitoring
10. ECG analysis (for example, arrhythmia, rate, pattern)
11. Pulse oximetry
12. Airway responsiveness
a. bronchodilation studies
b. bronchial provocation studies (for example, methacholine, exercise, EVH, mannitol)
13. Airways resistance / conductance measurements by plethysmography
14. Respiratory muscle strength (for example, MIP, MEP)
15. Safety data (for example, hand hygiene compliance, event management)
16. Quality control procedures (for example, mechanical or biologic)
17. Serial pulmonary function testing (for example, trending a single patient)
18. Clinical history and demographics (for example, age, race, sex, smoking history, medication, clinical indication)
19. Laboratory quality management (for example, customer satisfaction, inventory control, standard operating procedures, department records)
C. Evaluate Clinical Implications 0 3 5 8
1. Blood gas results (for example, pH, PO2, PCO2)
2. CO-oximetry / hemoximetry results (Hb, O2Hb, COHb, MetHb)
3. Spirometry data (for example, VC, FVC, FEV1, MVV, flow-volume loops)
4. Static lung volumes
a. gas dilution
b. body plethysmography
6. Home pulmonary function data (for example, spirometry, peak flow)
7. Oxygen titration at rest and / or exercise
8. Exercise (stress) test
a. timed walking test (for example, 6 MWT, shuttle walk)
b. monitored (for example, ECG, blood pressure, SpO2)
c. cardiopulmonary exercise test (for example, VO2max anaerobic threshold, VO2, VCO2, VD / VT)
d. inspiratory capacity and flow-volume loops during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
9. Blood pressure monitoring
10. ECG analysis (for example, arrhythmia, rate, pattern)
11. Pulse oximetry
12. Airway responsiveness
a. bronchodilation studies
b. bronchial provocation studies (for example, methacholine, exercise, EVH, mannitol)
13. Airways resistance / conductance measurements by plethysmography
14. Respiratory muscle strength (for example, MIP, MEP)
15. Safety data (for example, hand hygiene compliance, event management)
16. Quality control procedures (for example, mechanical or biologic)
17. Serial pulmonary function testing (for example, trending a single patient)
18. Clinical history and demographics (for example, age, race, sex, smoking history, medication, clinical indication)
19. Laboratory quality management (for example, customer satisfaction, inventory control, standard operating procedures, department records)
A patient with severe airflow limitation pants too rapidly (> 3 breaths/second) against a closed shutter in a body plethysmograph. Which of the following will occur?
A. VTGunderestimation
B. VTGoverestimation
C. RAWunderestimation
D. RAWoverestimation
Answer: D
A treadmill is set so that the belt rises 1 ft in a horizontal distance of 10 ft at 3 mph. The percent grade indicator should read
A. 30.0%
B. 1.0%
C. 3.0%
D. 10.0%
Answer: C
Which of the following is a suitable policy for following Standard Precautions in a pulmonary function laboratory?
A. Eye protection is required when obtaining ABGs from patients with hepatitis.
B. Reusable mouthpieces should be disposed when a patient has a history of tuberculosis.
C. Gloves are optional when obtaining arterial blood samples using a kit
D. Reusable mouthpieces should be disinfected between each patient.
Answer: B
Which of the following is the most reliable indicator that a patient has achieved his maximum exercise capacity during a progressive exercise (stress) test?
A. Respiratory exchange ratio greater than 0.8
B. Heart rate of 210/min
C. VO2remains stable with increasing workload
D. Minute ventilation greater than 170 L/min
Answer: C
A pulmonary function technologist is performing quality control on a nebulizer used in the 5-breath dosimeter
bronchial challenge. The target output of the device is 0.09 mL, plus or minus 10%. After 10 actuations, the
nebulizer output was 75μL with a 2.0 mL initial saline dose in the nebulizer. The technologist should
A. Open the vent before starting the bronchial challenge.
B. Add an exhalation filter and proceed with testing patients.
C. Clean and reevaluate this nebulizer.
D. Accept the results and begin using the device.
Answer: D
To assure linearity of an oxygen analyzer, calibrate with
A. Three test gases within the operating range of the instrument
B. Air
C. 100% 02
D. Two test gases within the operating range of the instrument
Answer: A
At the end of a progressive exercise study of a healthy adult male, RER would be approximately what value?
A. 1.65
B. 0.83
C. 1.00
D. 1.25
Answer: C
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